It’s Sagittarius season and if you’re not one: start acting like one

There are so MANY things to be said about a Sagittarius (those born November 22nd to December 21st), and having seen and heard it all; they’re absolutely not wrong, not one bit. Let me just…

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I now reside in South Korea!

I literally moved 6,205 miles across the world! It’s unbelievable really. I will be here for the next 3 years! We arrived late August and since then have found the most QUAINT apartment I could…

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Let’s Talk About Commitment

Commitment. Such a serious word right? It’s so crucial to have commitment in anything you do. I have been looking back at my life and trying to find where I have been the MOST committed…

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10 Ways To Be More Fulfilled In Life

Photo by Lens N See By Lindsay I live a more fulfilled life because of the clues it gives me. You want to know where the clues to a more fulfilled life lay? They’re sayings…

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A Love Letter to My Reader💌

To My Beloved Reader, Thank you for searching for whatever it was that lead you to me. Although we don’t know each other quite well just yet, I am grateful. I am grateful to have…

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