First month of the year has been extremely beautiful…

January 2024 was a month filled with intentional productivity This past New Year’s had me so excited for this month that I felt like THAT GAL from the moment the clock stroke midnight. I have…

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Keep that same energy you have at New Year’s every day

I want to share why New Year’s doesn’t phase me much… I was scrolling through Pinterest a few years ago before NYE and came across this quote that just blew my mind and really sunk…

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It’s my birthday and I’m surprisingly not crying

Today I turn 25 years young! Happy birthday to me! I am a quarter of a century in this lifetime of mine. It’s absolutely insane. So the reason I say “surprisingly not crying” is because…

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It’s Sagittarius season and if you’re not one: start acting like one

There are so MANY things to be said about a Sagittarius (those born November 22nd to December 21st), and having seen and heard it all; they’re absolutely not wrong, not one bit. Let me just…

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Let’s Talk About Commitment

Commitment. Such a serious word right? It’s so crucial to have commitment in anything you do. I have been looking back at my life and trying to find where I have been the MOST committed…

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