The fear of being seen has had power over me until now…

My one true desire in this lifetime is to be myself unapologetically. What does that mean? It means to… Easier typed up than done, huh? No kidding. I can say that my experience with confidence…

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First month of the year has been extremely beautiful…

January 2024 was a month filled with intentional productivity This past New Year’s had me so excited for this month that I felt like THAT GAL from the moment the clock stroke midnight. I have…

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Keep that same energy you have at New Year’s every day

I want to share why New Year’s doesn’t phase me much… I was scrolling through Pinterest a few years ago before NYE and came across this quote that just blew my mind and really sunk…

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A Love Letter to My Reader💌

To My Beloved Reader, Thank you for searching for whatever it was that lead you to me. Although we don’t know each other quite well just yet, I am grateful. I am grateful to have…

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Why blog now?

Because life is too short to not be doing exactly what you want to do. I want to connect with those that resonate with what I have to say, feel and think. I wanted a…

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