The fear of being seen has had power over me until now…

My one true desire in this lifetime is to be myself unapologetically. What does that mean? It means to… Easier typed up than done, huh? No kidding. I can say that my experience with confidence…

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It’s my birthday and I’m surprisingly not crying

Today I turn 25 years young! Happy birthday to me! I am a quarter of a century in this lifetime of mine. It’s absolutely insane. So the reason I say “surprisingly not crying” is because…

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I now reside in South Korea!

I literally moved 6,205 miles across the world! It’s unbelievable really. I will be here for the next 3 years! We arrived late August and since then have found the most QUAINT apartment I could…

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10 Ways To Be More Fulfilled In Life

Photo by Lens N See By Lindsay I live a more fulfilled life because of the clues it gives me. You want to know where the clues to a more fulfilled life lay? They’re sayings…

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A Love Letter to My Reader💌

To My Beloved Reader, Thank you for searching for whatever it was that lead you to me. Although we don’t know each other quite well just yet, I am grateful. I am grateful to have…

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